National Coaches Meeting 2024

September 19, 2024


“Do not limit your challenges, challenge your limits”: this is the mindset we have been pushing through to our Start-ups for many years. Innosuisse coaching is one of the most amazing programs on the market for its extent and for the extraordinary network of knowledge and experiences it brings together.

However, how can we bring our program to the next level? What should we do to ensure it delivers the highest value? We will address together those challenges during our meeting listening to different voices from the start-up world, getting inputs from other countries, benchmarking with other coaching models, exploring feedbacks at 360°.

We look forward to walking together the extra mile with brutal honesty and entrepreneurial enthusiasm.


08:00 - 08:30
Arrivals and welcome coffee
08:30 - 08:45
Welcome and introduction to the meeting
Maria Anselmi
08:45 - 09:00
How is the Swiss start-up market developing in 2023
Stefan Kyora
09:05 - 09:35
Keynote speaker
John Antonakis
09:40 - 10:45
3 Coaching models from abroad
Christoph Engman, Jaka Levstek, James Miners, Samuel Scheer
10:45 - 11:10
Coffee break
11:15 - 11:45
What I valued and what I missed in my coaching days
Luiza Dobre, Gnanli Landrou, James Miners, Richard Splivallo
11:50 - 12:00
What it takes to coach would-be Inventors & Entrepreneurs?
12:00 - 13:15
13:15 - 14:30
Workshop "The Innosuisse coaching canvas: identifying the differentiators & threats "
Christoph Falk, Ana Soares
14:30 - 15:15
Panel on Innosuisse new initiatives CAMPS & SIP
Jörn Graf, Marcel Hofstetter, Phil Norris
15:15 - 15:45
Closing remarks
Annalise Eggimann
15:45 - 17:15
Networking (incl. Start-ups onboarded 2023)
17:15 - 17:15


Maria Anselmi
Head of Division Start-Ups and Next Generation Innovators at Innosuisse

Maria has an international background in the Digital, Data and Analytics: lately as VP of Global Data Partnerships at Dun & Bradstreet. Till 2020 with the Swedish multinational Bisnode as Managing Director Data, CEO of Central Europe and Competence Centre Director. She has experience as Board Member in Fintech in the EMEA region and US and has been a mentor for tech start-ups for the last 10 years. She has PhD education in Linguistics & Semantics and holds an MBA.

John Antonakis
Professor at the University of Lausanne

John Antonakis is Professor of Organizational Behavior in the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Lausanne. He has been named a highly cited scientist by various research groups, and is an expert on charismatic leadership. He is a dynamic speaker and his research is regularly quoted in various media outlets including including TV and Radio.

Luiza Dobre
CEO at Komed Health

As the Founding CEO of Komed Health AG, a dynamic Zurich-based company, I am fully committed to revolutionizing clinical collaboration and leaving a lasting impact on the lives of both patients and healthcare professionals. Beyond the realm of our organization, I am a strong proponent of collaboration and community engagement. I actively seek connections with fellow innovators who share my vision of driving meaningful change in the healthcare landscape and society as a whole.

Annalise Eggimann
CEO of Innosuisse

Annalise Eggimann, CEO of Innosuisse was born in 1960 in Eriswil near Bern. She was admitted to the bar at the University of Bern in 1987 and completed an Executive MBA at the University of Zurich in 2003. After a few years working for companies as a legal assistant, she took on senior positions at the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM) before becoming CEO of the Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI), the predecessor organisation of Innosuisse, in 2015.

Christoph Engman
Co-founder Manager Partner at Megadeals

Christopher Engman is a serial entrepreneur, author of Megadeals, investor and large deal advisor in sustainability scale-ups. He is co-founder and managing partner of the Advisory Megadeals, Mine Storage and Venizum Marketing Technology where he serves also as Board member. He holds several board positions in Swedish companies.

Christoph Falk
Head of Start-up Coaching at Innosuisse

Christoph has been working in the field of science-based innovation for more than a decade. In various roles, he designs, develops and manages initiatives and programs to support and promote the creation and development of start-ups. Currently, he is the head of Startup Coaching at Innosuisse.

Jörn Graf
Corporate Finance Manager

After a long career in senior corporate finance functions in the chemicals and telecom industry, Jörn joined Innosuisse in August 2022. His main responsibility is to design and implement the financial due diligence for those Innosuisse programs where projects of individual start-ups and SMEs are supported by direct funding. He thrives on financial management, digital transformation and entrepreneurial topics.

Marcel Hofstetter
Scientific Officer at Innosuisse

As Scientific Officer, Marcel manages the start-up internationalisation programmes at Innosuisse. Prior to that, Marcel worked several years in a large multi-national pharma company in various capacities and across different countries. His first contact with Innosuisse, however, dates back to 2012, when he joined the coaching programme in 2012 as designated CEO of a University spin-off while graduating as Biomedical Scientist.

Stefan Kyora
Editor in Chief at

Stefan Kyora has been covering the Swiss innovation scene as a journalist for over 20 years. After working for business magazines including Cash and Bilanz, he was one of the co-founders of the news portal Startupticker in 2011, which he now runs as editor-in-chief. He is also co-author of the Swiss Venture Capital Reports and the Swiss Startup Radar.

Gnanli Landrou
Co-founder at Oxara

Gnanli Landrou is a Co-Founder, at Oxara. Oxara's mission is to enable access to sustainable & affordable housing for all developing a cement-​free concrete made from clay-​based excavation material. Gnanli is a Ph.D. graduate from the chair of Sustainable Construction at ETH Zürich, an ETH Silver Medal and Forbes U30.

Jaka Levstek
CEO at D.Labs

Jaka is a seasoned entrepreneur, consultant, and mentor with extensive experience in business modelling, product strategy, customer discovery, product positioning, and company building in the tech and digital space. He is the Founder and CEO of D.Labs, a company that provides support to new ventures, including both corporate and founder-led initiatives, in their early-stage of product and customer development.

James Miners
Head of startup and innovation programs at Fongit

Dr James Miners is an international innovator who has set-up and managed tech startups in France, Israel and Switzerland, including High Power Lithium, an EPFL spin out which exited to Dow Chemical. James has a unique perspective: having been coached by CTI, worked as a CTI coach and contributed as an Innosuisse expert since its launch where he has evaluated 100+ startups.

Phil Norris
Head of Commercial Strategy at Machinemd

Phil leads the commercial strategy at medtech startup machineMD, alongside his role leading scaleup enablement at digitalswitzerland. He is the former VP Global Marketing at Zurich-based VirtaMed, and worked on the flying symbol of Swiss cleantech innovation, Solar Impulse. Phil holds an Executive MBA from IMD and a degree in Economics from the University of Cambridge.

Samuel Scheer
Digital Innovation Hub Lead South East Europe, Middle East and Africa

Samuel is active as entre- and intrapreneur in Switzerland and in Israel. He is board member and investor in 2 start-ups. In Switzerland, he coached deeptech startups at ETH and at Innosuisse. In Israel, he has spent the past 5 years accompanying corporates in setting up their open innovation activities. He currently leads Novo Nordisk‘ open innovation activities in Israel and the EMEA region.

Ana Soares
Scientific Officer at Innosuisse

Ana is currently responsible for the Scale-up Coaching program at Innosuisse. She has a background in Management of Technology and Innovation and before joining Innosuisse she has spent 6 years in a Swiss Scale-up company.

Richard Splivallo
CEO at Nectariss Sàrl

Richard Splivallo is the co-founder & CEO of Nectariss, a foodtech startup of the Vaud canton. As a former professor in fungal biotechnology, Richard has developed the technology behind Nectariss´ innovation, pushing the boundaries of fungal fermentation for novel food and flavor applications. Since 2023, he also acts as an expert for Innosuisse.



Schanzenstrasse 5, Bern
3008 Bern

The Welle7 is located near the train station.

Arriving by train: find the exact location of the room with the help of the Welle 7 Centerguide.

Arriving by car: there are multiple parking options (ex: Parking City West, Parking Stadtbach) around the Welle 7.
